Customer Story: More Than Good Taste for the Food Industry

14. joulukuuta 2023
Aki Nyyssönen, who works and knows all that’s going on in the Finnish food industry, has put his trust in the expertise of atSauce many times in his career. The successful outcomes of mouthwatering Herkkumaa and Evertaste products is something to savor.

“When food is produced on an industrial scale, there will inevitably be surprises. The speed and diverse knowledge atSauce has to offer has saved us many times,” Nyyssönen says about what happens with cooperation.

When he was in charge of Herkkumaa purchases and production planning, Nyyssönen stayed in close contact with atSauce professionals. However, his new tasks at Evertaste have slightly taken him away from working with flavors daily, but the partnership will reinvent itself. 

“The recipes, products, schedules and goals in our industry fluctuate so much, there is no one correct way of production. atSauce’s forte is that they modify their own process in keeping in line with the customer’s needs at various stages in a project,” Nyyssönen explains.

atSauce develops products by carefully listening to its customers, and there is room for uniqueness in the manufacturing process. Besides a delicious output, other common factors of the food industry are taken into account. Flavor solutions focus on abundance, cost effectiveness, shelf life and a speedy manufacturing process.

“We first say what the product should be. After that, atSauce professionals look for the right ingredients and customize their manufacturing process to suit our needs,” Nyyssönen says. “The entire operation shows multidisciplinary skills that combine knowledge on flavor, chemical know-how and production expertise.”

The food industry often ends up in circumstances where the overall management gets broken down into unnecessarily small details. atSauce counters this problem by strengthening collaboration with its partners and expanding its range of services.

“Compared to many other operators in the industry, atSauce works much closer to the customer. Participation in product testing is a good example of this. And of course it's always nice to work with great people,” Nyyssönen concludes with a smile. 


 Preserving clean flavors of nature and Finnish summer. Herkkumaa’s vast selection includes tasty canned goods, delicious jams, wonderful condiment sauces and mayonnaises plus popular Tex-Mex add-ons for every moment of enjoyment. 


Readymade delectables for land, sea or air. Evertaste is one of Finland’s largest companies providing takeaway meals and air carrier catering. Its selection includes various readymade foods and baked goods as well as full menus and private label solutions.

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