Customer Story: Fantastic Sea Fare on Finnlines

30. marraskuuta 2023
There are taste sensations to enjoy on Finnline’s newest ships, planned by top chefs. atSauce is there along for the ride, making various sauces based on recipes by restaurateur Henri Alén and Head Chef Dan Grönvall.

“For the first time, the new ships are offering sauces planned and made especially for Finnlines. Passengers can now experience taste sensations in our restaurants  which you can’t get anywhere else,” Dan Grönvall praises.

The atSauce factory has made, for example, BBQ sauce, fermented ketchup, wild garlic vinaigrette and apple onion chutney for

Finnlines. Before plating and eating, a great deal of work went into making these sauces.

“For a long time, we were looking for the right partner to make our sauces, and atSauce’s solutions impressed us,” says Grönvall with a smile.

“They were certainly able to capture the nuances of our recipes in production,  and after a few taste tests, they finally got the details right. They were flexible with us right from the beginning, and we always got help when we needed it.”

There were several  different factors to consider in the process of making the sauces, because the goal of the chefs was to create a distinctively Nordic flavor profile. This  required both careful ingredient selection and thoughtful planning in the production process. However, atSauce’s factory, using its own innovations, was  able to take on the challenge.

“Our gastronomic world and completely unique menus were a new breakthrough for Finnlines. As much as Henri Alén helped us create flavor

profiles, atSauce helped execute them in the best way possible. We have such faith in our new products that from now on, passengers can purchase many of our sauces as, perhaps, souvenirs,” Grönvall sums up.

Finnlines has high-volume restaurant operations, as there are plenty of hungry passengers onboard throughout the year. Luckily, atSauce

is flexible in its production and can meet all its customers' needs, no matter  how big or small. Thanks to continuous development, new possibilities for the better handling of good taste are regularly available to hotels and restaurants.

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Ravintoloitsija Alén ja keittiöpäällikkö Grönvall loihtivat makuelämyksiä Finnlinesin laivoille.
30. marraskuuta 2023
Finnlinesin uusilla laivoilla nautitaan huippukokkien suunnittelemista makuelämyksistä. atSauce on mukana matkassa valmistamalla erilaisia kastikkeita ravintoloitsija Henri Alénin ja keittiöpäällikkö Dan Grönvallin reseptiikan pohjalta.
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